The Presidential Search Committee
To oversee the process of selecting the next President of Columbia, a Presidential Search Committee was formed. Its members were committed to a deep and inclusive engagement process across the Columbia community, with the goal of identifying the best individual from a broad and qualified field of candidates to build on the University’s rich foundation.
The committee managed the recruitment and assessment of candidates, presenting finalists to the Board of Trustees. The Trustees conferred with the Executive Committee of the University Senate on a confidential basis to reach a common endorsement of the ultimate nominee for the post. The decision to appoint a President rested with the full board.
This Presidential Search Committee was led by Lisa Carnoy, whose term as co-chair of the Board of Trustees ended on September 5, 2022. It also included members of Columbia's Board of Trustees, led by Jonathan Lavine, Trustees Emeriti, faculty, alumni, and the chair of the University Senate.
Several Advisory Committees representing constituents across the University were established to seek broad input to support these efforts.
Presidential Search Advisory Committees
Student Advisory Committee Co-Chairs
- Erin McKissick, Columbia Law School
- Jennifer Egbebike, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons
Faculty Advisory Committee Co-Chairs
- Wendy Chung, Kennedy Family Professor of Pediatrics (in Medicine); Chief, Division of Clinical Genetics, Department of Pediatrics
- Marcus Folch, Associate Professor of Classics and Director of Undergraduate Studies
Staff Advisory Committee Co-Chairs
- Adina Berrios Brooks, Associate Provost for Inclusive Faculty Pathways, Office of the Provost
- Katie Conway, Vice Dean of Administration and Chief Operating Officer, Columbia Business School
Alumni Advisory Committee Co-Chairs
- James Harden, Executive, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (Mailman School of Public Health and Columbia Business School)
- Alisa Wood, Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. (KKR) (Columbia College and Columbia Business School)