
Interim President Katrina Armstrong

Katrina Armstrong became the interim president of Columbia University on August 14, 2024. She is also the chief executive officer of Columbia University Irving Medical Center, which includes the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, the School of Nursing, the College of Dental Medicine, and the Mailman School of Public Health. She also is executive vice president for Health and Biomedical Sciences for Columbia University. Dr. Armstrong is an internationally recognized investigator in medical decision making, quality of care, and cancer prevention and outcomes, an award-winning teacher, and a practicing primary care physician.

David Greenwald and Claire Shipman, co-chairs of the Columbia Board of Trustees, in a letter to the University community called Dr. Armstrong “a medical leader who cares deeply about community and society—a scientist and a humanist...The right leader for this moment.” About Interim President Katrina Armstrong.


Columbia logo.
Our Unwavering Commitment to the Core Mission and Principles that Define Us

January 28, 2025

I want to take a moment to reiterate our unwavering commitment to the core mission and principles that define us.

Students walking on campus.
Update on Morningside Campus Access

January 24, 2025

We have made progress toward the goal of fully reopening the Morningside campus and moving beyond access requirements, but we still have more work to do.

Columbia logo
Statement from Interim President Katrina Armstrong on Class Disruption

January 21, 2025

Today a History of Modern Israel class was disrupted by protesters. We strongly condemn this disruption, as well as the fliers that included violent imagery that is unacceptable on our campus and in our community.

Priorities for Our Spring Semester

January 21, 2025

I want to welcome all of you back to campus. As you well know, we begin this spring semester at a moment of significant change in the world and our nation.

College walk lit up.
What Columbia Stands For and How We Lead

January 06, 2025

I want to wish each of you a very Happy New Year and a warm welcome to our upcoming Spring semester.

A view of Low Library with student walking around.
An Update on Addressing Discrimination and Harassment and Managing Protests and Other Disruptions

December 16, 2024

I am writing today to update you on our progress on two of the other priorities I set out for the semester—addressing discrimination and harassment and managing protests and other disruptions.

Around and About

General Inquiries

Phone: (212) 854-9970
[email protected]

Speaking Requests

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Media Inquiries 

Office of Communications and Public Affairs
Phone: (212) 854-5573
[email protected]