About the Presidential Search
In 2001, Columbia published a three-sentence advertisement in The Chronicle of Higher Education, inviting people to apply for the job of University President.
That search led to Lee C. Bollinger, a leader who would become transformational for Columbia and who is now preparing to step down on June 30, 2023.
A New Era Begins
The process of selecting Minouche Shafik was, like most things, a bit different from the process that selected Bollinger two decades ago. Today, Columbia is a global research powerhouse that educates an astonishingly diverse student body, occupies four campuses in and around the heart of the most exciting city on Earth, and drives innovation and discovery across a vast array of disciplines.
According to University Statutes and the By-Laws of the Trustees, the Trustees of the University have responsibility for selecting the President of the University, directly or through an ad hoc Presidential Search Committee established by the Trustees.
The Presidential Search Committee
To oversee the process of selecting the next President of Columbia, a Presidential Search Committee was formed. Its members were committed to a deep and inclusive engagement process across the Columbia community, with the goal of identifying the best individual from a broad and qualified field of candidates to build on the University’s rich foundation. Learn more.
News and Announcements
January 18, 2023
I want to express my deep appreciation to everyone who helped us pursue a search that yielded an extraordinary outcome.
August 30, 2022
As the presidential search takes shape, the goal is to establish greater collaboration across the university and the community.
June 06, 2022
This committee will be led by Lisa Carnoy and includes members of the Board of Trustees, faculty, alumni, and the chair of the Senate.
April 14, 2022
Every new building project, academic initiative, and fundraising campaign that he undertook was in service of creating a world-class environment for learning and teaching.
April 14, 2022
I cannot begin to express what it has meant to me to serve in this role for this magnificent University for over two decades.