Dear fellow members of the Columbia community:
As you may know, Law School Dean David Schizer will be stepping down at the end of this academic year when his ten-year term reaches its conclusion. His outstanding service to the School and to the broader University merits our gratitude and admiration. Columbia Law School continues to be one of the very finest in the world, and this is in no small part due to David's dedication over the past decade. We all look forward to opportunities to thank him for his service during the course of the year ahead.
For many, and mostly obvious, reasons I am deeply and personally committed to the School's ever-increasing success, especially at this important moment of transition. I have appointed and fully endorse the following members of the search committee, who were selected after extensive faculty consideration of the process to be followed:
Richard Briffault, co-chair, Joseph P. Chamberlain Professor of Legislation
Robert Scott, co-chair, Alfred McCormack Professor of Law
Patrick Bolton, Barbara and David Zalaznick Professor of Business
Brett Dignam, Clinical Professor of Law
Suzanne Goldberg, Herbert and Doris Wechsler Clinical Professor of Law
Nkonye Iwerebon, Dean of Admissions
Robert Jackson, Associate Professor of Law and Milton Handler Fellow
Olati Johnson, Professor of Law
Benjamin Liebman, Robert L. Lieff Professor of Law
Alex Raskolnikov, Charles Evans Gerber Professor of Law
Sarah Green, student, Columbia Law School ’14
The Honorable Denise Cote, United States District Judge, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences ’69, Columbia Law School ’75
I am committed, as are the members of the search committee and the Law Faculty, to assembling the strongest possible pool of candidates for the Law School deanship. To that end, all members of the Columbia community are encouraged to submit nominations to Assistant Dean Lynn Beller at [email protected]. I want to thank everyone for supporting this process and, especially, the members of the search committee for taking on this critical role.
Lee C. Bollinger