Dear fellow member of the Columbia community:
Austin Quigley announced to the Columbia College community earlier today that he has decided next year will be his last as Dean. A Columbia professor since 1990, Austin will continue as the Brander Matthews Professor of Dramatic Literature after he steps down. He will also devote half of his time serving broader University initiatives working closely with me as Special Advisor to the President for Undergraduate Education.
Fourteen years is a remarkable tenure in any academic leadership role, and Austin has presided during an era of extraordinary transformation at the College. The quality and manifold diversity of our students, the ways in which they engage with the institution and its faculty while they're here, the involvement of our alumni and parents - all this and more is a tribute to Austin's leadership.
In the year ahead, we will have ample opportunity to celebrate Austin's tenure. For now, please join me in thanking him for his exceptional service to Columbia as Dean of the College.
Lee C. Bollinger